What peony varieties do we have in containers at the farm this year?

What peony varieties do we have in containers at the farm this year?

We have a great selection of potted peonies for sale at our Oregon farm. Some varieties are very limited; others abundant. Our current availability list: Peonies available in containers

We are open Saturdays in April 2023 from 11 AM - 3 PM; or, by appointment other days in April for potted peony sales

We also have some peony varieties available to order online as bare root peonies, delivered in the fall months. 

Mark your calendars: The farm will be open Wednesdays through Saturdays during the May/June 2023 bloom season. We'll have cut peonies, potted peonies and you can see peonies in bloom. Mid to late May is generally the best time to see the most varieties in bloom. We'll post bloom updates on our social media as we get into May. It's been a cool, wet spring, so bloom may be slower this year. 

Our farm is located at 6219 Topaz Street NE, Brooks, OR (between Salem and Woodburn, off of 99 E). 

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