Farm News

Peony Flowers in April? I Mean...March!

Ever wish you kept better notes, so you could quickly pull up facts about a particular gardening year? (Photo: Paeonia mlokosewitschii seedling) If my memory serves me well, it was...

Peony Flowers in April? I Mean...March!

Ever wish you kept better notes, so you could quickly pull up facts about a particular gardening year? (Photo: Paeonia mlokosewitschii seedling) If my memory serves me well, it was...

Spring Peonies are Off and Running in Oregon

Our peonies are off to a great start this spring (or, should I say, winter). The Coral's reached over 2' high days ago and the late varieties are still pushing...

Spring Peonies are Off and Running in Oregon

Our peonies are off to a great start this spring (or, should I say, winter). The Coral's reached over 2' high days ago and the late varieties are still pushing...

Early Spring Peony Plants in March

Spring is coming! The plants here in Oregon have a jump on spring this year (they did last season, as well). With weather fluctuating between dry sunny days, wet rainy...

Early Spring Peony Plants in March

Spring is coming! The plants here in Oregon have a jump on spring this year (they did last season, as well). With weather fluctuating between dry sunny days, wet rainy...