Are you wanting fresh cut peony flowers for your spring wedding or special event? Or, a bouquet or bunch of peony stems for yourself or a friend?
For pricing and May/June availabilty, contact us at
There is no other flower like a peony blossom, filled with layers of beautiful, soft petals; wafting with peony perfume; and, long lasting as a cut flower. Peonies have a long vase life and are perfect choices for bridal bouquets and floral arrangements.
Peony flowers adorn bridal bouquets, weddings and receptions. They can be the perfect choice for decorating bridal and baby showers; and, are a great choice for dinner parties and a host of formal or casual events. Who would'nt want to receive a bunch of peonies as a hostess gift?
Fresh cut peony flowers are seasonal - they are available from approximately early May through mid - June in Oregon. Weather affects the timing of their availability, with some seasons a bit earlier or later, year to year.
We sell cut peony stems in bulk and small quantities at our farm (located between Salem and Portland). Local florists and DIY floral designers can pre-order budded peony stems; or, when in a pinch, stop by during peony season and we can often cut fresh for you that day. We also have grab and go bouquets and buckets of fresh cut peonies (budded or open) for you to select from at the farm.
Peonies are available in blush, coral, pink, red, white and mixed colors. Being flexible on shades of colors allows more choices.
Demand for peony flowers is strong. It's best to pre-order large quantities for pick up at our farm (we do not ship cut peonies).
Contact us for details on ordering fresh cut peonies. We'll give you tips on opening the buds for the best impact on your big day.