Planting peonies this fall? There is still time to plant bare root peonies through October and in many areas, through November as well. If the ground isn’t frozen, you can plant peonies. Remember, they like a good chill in the winter, and are durable roots.
Once the ground is frozen, new peony roots can be potted up and stored through the winter to transplant in the spring. You’ll want to water a potted peony plant, let it almost dry out; and then water it again. They can be stored outside in an ample pot; however, protect from severe cold by putting in a shed or garage in extreme ‘arctic blast’ conditions. After the spring thaw, transplant them into the garden and watch them grow.
Our peony shipping season continues, and having worked through all of the early orders, we can now process your order quite quickly. We are able to ship most orders within 1-3 business days: you can be planting in days! Allow 2-3 days for shipping to most areas.
As always, we aim to send out peony roots that have ample ‘eyes’ (buds) that will likely produce a flower or two the first spring. Peonies (perennials) will establish maturity at three years and our hardy roots will get your peony plants there on time.
We package the bare root peonies in peat moss, to protect them during the shipping process. The roots can be stored in the peat moss for up to several weeks prior to planting. It’s best to plant or pot roots soon after receiving – you know how it is when you set something aside for later….and you find it shriveled next spring?
Peony roots are an interesting bunch. Some are smooth and long; others are gnarly looking; and, some are so beautiful that I admire them. They all grow fabulous flowers. It’s amazing what beauty grows from a fleshy piece of root tucked into the ground. Wait and see.
Plant It Peonies!TM