We have tremendous peony bloom this weekend, as we approach peak season over the next week or so. The bearded iris and Siberian iris are full of blooms. Stop by for your Memorial Day peonies – rain or shine!
A number of the white peonies are blooming now: Ava Maria, Avalanche, Camilla’s White (one of our favorite peonies), Lancaster Imp (white bomb) and Festiva Maxima. Two of our compact peony plants, Green Lotus and Petite Elegance are in full bloom – they have flower forms & colors that are quite unique in peonies. Gay Paree and Bo Peep, both mixes of cream, white and pink are standing tall with prolific blooms. A lot of the yellow Intersectional peonies are displaying their exceptional flowers: Bartzella, Border Charm, Garden Treasure, Lemon Dream, Yellow Heaven and an assortment of others.
We enjoyed a fabulous day on the peony farm today – sunny, dry and lots of lovely people. Many of our customers have been growing easy-care peonies for years and enjoy selecting new varieties for their gardens; others appreciate information on how to plant and grow their first peonies. We can help customers make a selection for their specific needs and share tips on raising peonies.
This evening we had a little thunder storm with lightning streaking through the dusky sky. The lightning flashes looked grand and the thunder sounded ferocious. It was followed with a good rain shower. It was the perfect ending to a beautiful day (until I have to cut fallen iris in the morning). The local forecast for tomorrow is dry with a high of 69-70 degrees. Sounds great, doesn’t it?