We’ve had some fabulous rain the past 2 ½ days. It doesn’t always feel welcome when you’re out working and a down-pour soaks you; but, it’s great for plants after a dry spell. A small amount of rain is expected tomorrow, then sunny & dry weather predicted through the next week – perfect. The irises are in full bloom and the peonies are nearly at mid-season bloom.
We will have a generous supply of cut peonies for Memorial Day weekend. Reasonably priced bouquets; single stems; or, bring your bucket for larger amounts. We also have great potted peonies available – some varieties are 2-3 foot tall in the pots with wonderful buds!
Serene Pastel, Coral Charm, Red Charm, Prairie Moon, Illini Warrior, Theatrical, Cherry Ruffles, Command Performance, Blitz Tort, the Intersectionals, and so many more varieties are spectacular now. Our peony display tables are full with dozens and dozens of varieties for your viewing pleasure.
We enjoy meeting people who stop by our farm during bloom season. This season has brought some of the most delighful gardeners our way. Lots of you come back with friends, and we really appreciate you. First time visitors sometimes express a feeling of suspense as they drive down the ½ mile Topaz Street, wondering what’s around the next corner. They can’t believe what they see when they park in front of the blooming peony field and then are treated to the iris garden, tucked into the conifer arboretum. They wander the pathways and are enthralled with what they find at Brooks Gardens – the hidden Brooks, Oregon peony & iris farm.