Now they're crackin' open: the first Red Charms are half open today, should be a nice amount in a few days. Salmon Dream and May Lilac are blooming, too. I love those colors. Alba Plena, our first early double white is blooming in the pots. Horizon is also open today. Bess Bockstoce (double pink) and Henry Bockstoce (double red) aren't far behind. Most of the earlier bloomers are dazzling, now. It was thrilling to see different varieties opening each time I walked through the field today.
We have fresh cut flowers and there will be plenty for Mothers Day bouquets. Stop by and pick up a bouquet for you or your Mom.
Come on out and take a look at the early peonies and see the tree peonies blooming in our Historic iris collection/arboretum. You might catch a glimpse of the deer in the field beyond the peonies.