We open our farm Saturday, April 26th for the 2014 peony and iris bloom season. We will be open daily through June 22nd from 10 am -6 pm. We invite you to come on out and see the peonies and iris in bloom.
The season starts off with the early season peonies in bloom: Athena, Early Scout, Honor, Little Red Gem, Nosegay, Paeonia mlokosewitschii, Roy Pehrson’s Best Yellow, Serenade, Sugar ‘n Spice, Villosa and a few other beauties.
The iris in the gardens are getting ready to bloom, with just a few open this weekend.
Potted peonies and variegated iris are available for spring planting. If you prefer, order bare root peonies and iris for fall planting. Peony bouquets and cut flowers are also for sale.
Follow the Peonies & Iris signs to Brooks Gardens at 6219 Topaz Street NE, Brooks (or Salem), OR 97305.
Directions: from I-5, take exit 263; go east one mile to Brooks; turn left (north) at the stoplight; just over one mile to Topaz Street on the right. Topaz Street is one half mile and ends at our farm.
Brooks Gardens is just over one mile north of Brooks, OR (between Woodburn and Salem, off of 99E) and 30 minutes south of Canby, Tualatin, Wilsonville, OR.